Technology in the Business Services Industry

How tech has become indispensable for business services
March 28, 2023

For the past 30 years, technology has overhauled the way we do things. Be it social or business oriented, our lives have shifted and no longer rely on the ways of the old world. Because of our rapidly evolving surroundings, we interact, communicate, search and see things differently from what we did 10 years ago. These advancements have, in large part, been carried by modern businesses and represent their driver of success. The world has gone digital, from marketing, to security and HR and even to meetings.


Business services are services that primarily serve organizations, not consumers. These services do not derive from physical goods but from experiences, knowledge, customer service, outcomes and management. Here is an unsorted, non exhaustive  list of types of Business services:


  • Outsourcing

Outsourcing is a type of business service where an entire business project is carried out for a customer. For example, creating the website of your business could be entirely outsourced, you would pay a fixed amount of money to receive a fully functional website.

  • Consulting

This type of service is relative to advice and labor for a certain fee. Say you struggle to make it in a new space, you don’t know the rules yet and feel like you're not making any progress. Hiring a consulting firm will get you advice on how to do so, the techniques to use and maybe the different approach you have to take.

  • Product as a service

Making a product a service implies that the product doesn’t belong to you, you can rent it. Imagine a large truck and you having to move your office furniture to a new office. You’d get that truck for a day or two. You’re paying for a service, temporarily using an item you’re only going to use once.

  • Software as a service

Specialized software sometimes requires large amounts of disk space and heavy computational needs, having dedicated hardware to run that software on the cloud can be very useful for businesses that don’t want to equip their workforce with heavy duty laptops.

  • Leasing

Leasing is often thought of as a service despite the fact that the value it provides almost exclusively comes from lending physical assets. These can be workspaces, equipment and machines.

These are some of the most common business services today. Tech has entrenched itself in almost every field, these don’t stand as an exception. You’ll find software and hardware in all of these services.


In these services, tech doesn’t just look fancy, it serves a real purpose, many different actually:

  • Improving communication
  • Propel Growth and Marketing
  • Boosts Decision Making
  • Competitive Edge
  • Customer Relationships
  • Relevance in the industry

Tech allows easier communication between teams which often work remotely and internationally. While the Covid crisis has shown us that these tools are far from perfect, they allow an unparalleled path to distant communication and interaction, first and foremost by email but now by video calls and online workshops.

New technology also helps businesses advertise and break into new markets by increasing their online traffic. Social media marketing, Search Engine Optimization or SEO and online marketing are must know topics to make it in the digital era.

In businesses, decision making is critical, time relevant and affects the entire workforce. Technology can help facilitate this process with reports, automation, estimating weak points and making you develop a strategy accordingly.

That same tech can make you more visible online, rivals will want to work with you and benefit from your presence, putting you in a position of power. You’ll also get in depth reports, with careful analysis, you’ll know what action to take to further your edge.

Your customers will also appreciate seeing you online, it shortens the distance between them and your company, they get to see what you're working on and how. They can easily contact you and ask questions. Even share your profile to friends who would need your services.

Whether you are in the real estate, health, warehousing or freight industry, there is a form of technology designed to inject efficiency into your operations. If you are leveraging these technologies to break into new markets, save lives, boost sales or for crop production modules, technology will have made its impact.

With that in mind, technology is ever changing, incorporating it in your business means you have to stay on top and not let yourself be dominated by unstoppable force and quick pace.


The most straightforward way to mix tech and business is to establish a social media presence, through a twitter and instagram account, showing the work you do, keeping your audience in touch and answering their messages. Engaging with your customers in such a way will help make them more loyal to your business. This seems easy but requires a lot of time to engage, answer, react and reach out.

These online accounts come with statistics that show who your audience is, what they like and do and why they follow you. This information is precious to reach out to new users and create a target audience, you’ll be able to push ads directly to the people that seem most interested.You can also create an online store to directly promote your products on these social apps.

Different systems are emerging to track your finances, these can also provide information on where the money is going and what it's used for. It can pay your taxes or simply act as a book accountant.

These systems can order your data, manage your emails and increase your productivity by cutting out all the excess work.

Technology is here to last, the added features aren’t just gimmicks, they provide real value that can be exploited to gain an edge. It might be hard to actually make sense of that data, moving into the next decade, being able to use it effectively will separate good businesses from the great.

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